Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Funny Captions

Jerry, a retired tattoo artist, claims, "I believe tattoos are a good look for everyone."
However, after posting this picture many people who might have agreed no longer do.

Deb turned 91 today and she was extremely excited to receive an exercise video.
It was given as a joke, but Deb was sure they were wrong.

John is seen here on vacation with some monkeys he found while his family went to the bathroom.
His family returned to discover that John was convinced he was lord monkey and had to stay with his subjects.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers PART 3

I liked Arnold Newman's work because it conveys a lot of emotion in an everyday scene.  The first thing I notice in these photos is how balanced they feel.

I see two men who work hard everyday to afford the necessities of life.  Two men who used to dream big and imagine a perfect life.  Two men who give it their all and never receive the equivalent.
I smell the mold on the rotting wood of their chairs.  The stench of two unbathed men and a dog.  Then there's the smell of the bland mush that appears often as their meal.
I hear the whimpers of the dog, begging for food.  There is also the creak of the chairs as the men try to get comfortable.  Then there's the slow steady rustle of leafs from the worn trees and wind.
I feel sorry for the men in front of me.  They have had to go through hard times.  These men have stood strong all their lives.


I see an old home and a clothes line.  Two things that have seen families come and go.  I see the wear and tear of being used so much.
I smell the freshly cleaned laundry that has been hung up to dry.  The smell of a dinner being cooked within the house floats through the air.  Then there is the smell of sweet flowers that grow on the bushes.
I hear the song of the birds in the trees.  The laughter of the children playing at the house next door.  Then there is the whistling of the wind.
I feel the soft dirt under my feet. I feel the steady breeze on my face.  There is also the warm sunshine on my skin.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mural Project

1. A possible theme for here at bowie could be something like popular electives.
2. I think we should allow regular cameras as well.
3. The mural should go somewhere where everyone can see it, somewhere like the front doors.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot Photos

Rule of thirds, simplicity, leading lines
The subject is the teachers face
Yes, it is what your eyes are drawn too

Rule of thirds
The subject is the back of the student's head
Yes, it sticks out a little more than the other objects

The subject is the teacher's head
It may not be as clear as the other pictures, but it is still fairly easy to figure out

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO

F2.8 Aperture

F16 Aperture

1.  Pupils 
2. The smaller the aperture the less focused the picture is, the larger the aperture the more focused the picture is.
3. Aperture allows for the subject of the photo to be more or less demanding of your view.

Shutter Speed

Slow Shutter Speed
Image result for high shutter speed

High Shutter Speed
a. Fast
b. Fast
c. Fast
d. Fast
e. Fast
f. Fast
a. Slow
b. Slow
c. Fast
d. Slow
e. Slow
f. Fast
Aperture Priority Mode-  The camera decides shutter speed while you decide aperture.
Shutter Priority- The camera decides the aperture while you decide shutter speed.
Manual- You decide all.
Virtual Camera
There is an aperture priority button and a dial for changing the aperture.
There is a shutter priority button and a dial for changing the shutter speed.
There is an IOS dial for changing the IOS.