Monday, December 7, 2015


1st video-
The model's neck was stretched slightly up and her eyes were made lower and bigger.  A little more shadows were added around the outline of her face as well.

2nd video-
The model's legs were made slimmer and longer, her neck became slightly longer too.  Her shoulder was lifted a little bit and highlights were thrown everywhere.

3rd video-
The girl's body was shrunk down by quite a bit to make her slimmer, then her head became a little smaller to match the new body size.  Her hair was made longer and more crazy.

4. In news stories and big events people don't use Photoshop to change those photos drastically before putting them on the news.  That wouldn't be ethically acceptable, so I don't think changing someones appearance and putting it on ads everywhere is either.

5. I think during ads for beauty products like makeup is one of the times when it's even worse to change someone's appearance.  When you see a commercial for makeup you want to see what it actually looks like on a normal person, not what it looks like on the face of a nonexistent woman with  unreachable beauty.

6. Some changes are acceptable, maybe there is a person who wants to use a girl for a ad or something.  She has the exact shape they are looking for but she has a birthmark on her upper stomach.  There is an acceptable time for Photoshop, however, it isn't so good when they change her skin tone, and make her legs longer,etc.

7. Fashion photography is a more persuasive use of the camera and requires a lot less camera and more computer, photojournalism can still be used for persuasion to go somewhere and such but it is also used for things like the newspaper and is mostly camera not computer.

8. Fashion photography shows very little truth or reality.  It's used mostly for ads that just want you to buy the product.  Photojournalism can be similar in ads advertising for a place but that isn't all it is.

9. I think you are showing us these videos so we can see other parts of photography and possibly get frustrated enough with it to try to do something about it.

10. The videos most likely don't have guys because the perfect physical appearance for most boys is easier to get too than the perfect physical appearance for most girls.  Also with marketing more beauty products are for woman than for men so more woman are used for ads like that.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Favorite Cover


Wired, September 2014, Edward Snowden"Edward Snowden didn't want to be photographed. He wanted his actions--leaking classified NSA files--to be the focus of any story, not his face. But. But. Being shot by Platon, who has photographed world leaders like Dick Cheney, George Bush (both of them), and Vladimir Putin, puts him on the same level as those subjects, elevating his message. So out of complicated motivations comes a tense and compelling photograph. As Snowden holds the flag, his face and his hands convey both respect and hurt--a flickering combination of protectiveness and vulnerability. Words would tip the reader toward a single interpretation. So. No design. No cover lines. Just an image, however you choose to look at it."

The image above has great lighting that focuses right on the focal point of the photo, the man's face.  The flag he is holding is positioned in such a way that it leads your eyes up to the focal point.  The expression shown is well suited for the circle of light illuminating it.  The lighting towards the edges of the cover however, make his arms and parts of the flag appear grainy.  To fix this, they could have possibly done rings of light rather than just one circle.  The rings of light would not only help the graininess but would also add on to the mood in my opinion.

Best Covers

1. Formal
2. Formal
3. Informal
4. Formal
5. Formal
6. Formal
7. Formal
8. Formal
9. Environmental
10. Formal
11. Formal
12. Formal
13. Formal
14. Informal
15. Formal
16. Formal
17. Formal
18. Formal