Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

All yearbooks should have...

  1. The name of the school on the cover
  2. The pictures should be in sections like sports or clubs
  3. Table of contents
  4. Captions for pictures
  5. Page numbers
  6. Headers, so you know what section your in
  7. Index
  8. Sports section
  9. Yearbook photos
  10. Not the same person over and over again
  11. Interviews with students
  12. Student life section
  13. The year the book is from
  14. School spirit
  15. Easy to read fonts and colors, so no bright yellow words on a bright orange background
  16. Side sections, just little parts off to the side in a main section
  17. Clubs and electives section
  18. Big events that happened in the school stories
  19. Quotes from teachers and students about some topics
  20. Location of the school
  21. Amount of students that year
  22. Staff list stating names of teachers, counselors, the principal, etc.
  23. Photos from all around campus, not just the same hallway with different people
  24. All grades must be mentioned
  25. A credits page, so everyone who worked on the book is mentioned.

1. The title is 'echo^5'
2. The school is m.b. lamar high school
3. Same font style and not much variation from page to page and the same layout
4. There are 4 sections
5. I liked the spread titled "intense"
7. There is an index in my book
8.  There are photos of groups and organizations
9. There are 3525 students
10. My book is from Texas

Monday, January 25, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

1. The name of the magazine is 'Cali' by Callie Richards
2. I liked that the magazine had different colors for the text, but there weren't so many colors that it was distracting and the colors went together.  I also liked that the photo was in black and white because it added a kind off dramatic feel.
3. I think if something could be fixed or changed on the magazine I would recommend making the title bigger.
4. I was drawn to it because of the contrast of the red text on the black and white photo.
5. There is a bar code and it is in the right place.
6. I probably would pick up the magazine because of the eye-catching cover.  Like I said before the red text on the black and white photo catches my eye.
7. No, I can't tell if it is a portrait or self-portrait.


1. I looked at 'College life' by Lynsey Gagner
2. I liked that the magazine had the text bigger when the story was more important.  I also liked that it was bright and happy and brought a friendly feel to the magazine.
3. If something was to be improved on the magazine, I would say that the text that is white should be separated a little more from the white shirt.
4. I picked this cover because of the bright colors and the professional look of the magazine.
5. Yes, the bar code is there and correctly placed and sized.
6. I would pick up this magazine and look through it because it seems to pop and would probably stand out among the rest.
7. No, I cannot tell if it is a portrait or self portrait.


1. I looked at Sarah Baber's magazine 'Pet Owners Weekly'
2. I liked that the title goes behind the photo a bit but not so much you can't see some of the letters.  I also liked that the text had a reoccurring theme in its color, it made it easy to navigate.
3. The title and teasers could be bigger if something had to be changed about the magazine.
4. My eyes were attracted to the contrast of the text and the photo.
5. There is a bar code and it is properly sized and in the right location.
6. I would probably pick this magazine up, it has a very attractive cover and it looks very neat and professional.
7. No, I can't tell if this is a portrait or a self portrait.


Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1. My favorite image is connected, I liked it because of the idea behind it.  When I think of connected, I literally think of two things being attached to one another.  However, in this photo connected is used for being her being connected to the internet.  I also liked that having to have a image be black and white wasn't just making an image black and white.  Turning the photo black and white seemed to add on to the image.  It made it so there was no fight between the objects in the photo for attention.

2. I'd have to say my least favorite image is pose.  It didn't hold my attention as much as the other 3 photos.  I think it would help to zoom in more on the person, or to have a less busy background, or both. 

3. I liked these photos because they each had their own unique style.  The photos all appeared like they had time taken to pose  the subjects and find a good location and angle for each of them.

4. I think attention to background is one area that could be worked on.  As mentioned before in 2, the background was a little busy.

5. The picture that portrayed their prompt best, in my opinion, was pose.  You could tell it wasn't unplanned.

6. The photo that least successfully portrayed their prompt, to me, was yummy.  The focus seemed more on a student studying than on a 'yummy' drink.  Perhaps there could have been more focus on the drink by removing the papers.