Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the Month Interview

  1.  What is your full name?
  2.  What grade are you in?
  3.  What classes are you taking?
  4.  Why do you think you were chosen to be student of the month?
  5.  How does it feel to be student of the month?
  6.  Have you ever received any other titles or awards for academic reasons?
  7.  What is your favorite class that you are currently taking?
  8.  Was getting student of the month a goal you had?
  9.  Were you surprised when you found out you were student of the month?
  10.  Who is your favorite teacher?
  11.  How did your parents react to you being named student of the month?
  12.  Where do you plan to go to college when you graduate?
  13.  What do you plan to major in?
  14.  What advice would you give students trying to get student of the month?
  15.  What does the prize associated with student of the month look like?
  16.  Are you going to try and win student of the month again?
  17.  How does having a student of the month motivate students to do better?
  18.  Did you learn anything from former student of the months to help you achieve the title?
  19.  How will you celebrate for winning the title?
  20.  How did your friends react to you winning student of the month?

Learning to Interview

First topic- School Uniforms

People to ask: Head of the school board, teacher at one of the schools, principle of one of the schools

  1. Do you think school uniforms will help students academically?
  2. How do you think students will react to the new policy?
  3. Are you for or against this new policy?
  4. Why was the policy created?
  5. What benefits will having this policy create?
  6. How could this policy negatively affect the schools?
  7. How do you think parents will react to school uniforms?
  8. Is there any financial aid for buying the uniforms for low income families?
  9. Where can you get the uniforms?
  10. How much do the uniforms cost?
  11. What do students do if their religion requires them to wear another article of clothing?
  12. When will the policy be put into action?
  13.  Who will be enforcing this policy?
  14.  How were the uniform designs decided?
  15.  Will accessories like jewelry still be allowed? 
  16.  How will you know if the uniforms are helping the students in their learning environment?
  17.  Are school uniforms required for after school activities?
  18. What will the penalty be for not wearing a uniform?
  19. If enough parents complain will the policy be taken down?
  20. What do students do with the uniforms after the school year is over?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sport/Action Photos

Justine is a high schooler at Bowie who is trying out for track.  She practiced every morning for a few weeks to prepare herself.

Marissa is a student at Bowie High School that races around the track often.  She was running around the courtyard because the track had closed for the morning.

Justine losses track of time often but hates to be late.  She realized that the bell was going to ring and sprinted to her next class.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Nautilus House, Mexico
1. Built by- Javier Senosiain
2. The house was completed in 2007
3. Located in- Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. Private property
5. Cost to build- $218,000
6. Javier wanted to feel closer to nature with his family
7. I picked this building because the colorful glass on the building caught my eye.  After I saw it I wanted to see how it looked from different views and on the inside. It has a really cool layout and when I first saw it I was amazed that it was a house.

Kansas City Public Library, United States

1. Built by- Brian M. Finn
2. It was finished in 2004
3. Located in- Kansas City, Missouri
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- $200,000
6. It's a parking garage but I couldn't find anything on why they built the way they did.
7. I chose this building because it was a very strange design for a building and looked really cool.  I found out that the part that looks like books is a parking garage and isn't actually the library part which I found amusing.  The amount of detail put into the books was incredible and it amazed me.

Eden project, United Kingdom

1. Built by- Nicholas Grimshaw
2. It was finished in 2000
3. Located in- Cornwall, UK
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- £86.5m
6. The building was made in an abandoned clay pit and the first few months of construction was filled with rain, this flooded parts of the pit.
7. I chose this building because I had heard of it before but I didn't know much about it.  When I saw it I was amazed by how big it was. I thought the design of the building was great and it kind of looked like, to me, a bunch of bubbles cluttered around each other.  Since I had heard of the building I wanted to find out more about what it was.
Nord LB building, Germany
1. Built by- Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner
2. It was finished in 2002
3. Located in- Hanover, Germany
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- I couldn't find a cost
6. The building is a bank and contains a large art collection.
7. I picked this building because it looks crazy and fun.  Parts of the building don't look like they should stay up, they don't look supported enough.  The building has a very strange design for a bank which makes it all the more cool.

Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
1. Built by- SzotyƄscy & Zaleski
2. It was finished in 2004
3. Located in- Sopot, Poland
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- I couldn't find a cost
6. The design was inspired by fairytale illustrations.
7. I chose this building because I wasn't even sure what it was until looking it up.  It reminds me of Salvador Dali's 'The Persistence of Memory' or as most people probably know it, that painting with the melting clocks.  It has the same droopy appearance as in the painting and I thought that was really cool.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sensory Overload

1. Seymour had a good point about the objects and devices in our life.  I do agree that the objects and devices we own seem to represent a building more than the shape or design of the building.
2. The pictures I saw were really interesting and I wanted to see this place from different angles and try to find if there is another way to take pictures of these booths that captured the same idea but was a little less busy.
3. I think it would definitely have its ups and downs.  Some of the booths were colorful and fun and others were strange.  Also as a kid you'd probably see many other kids and be able to play all the time.
4. My favorite photo was of the artificial plants booth. It was bright and all the different plants together made almost like a jungle feel, the plants framed the girl working at the booth.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Warm up

1. After sports games winning teams sometimes dump a liquid (usually Gatorade) on their coach to celebrate.
2. The shutter speed is high because the water isn't blurred very much.
3. This was probably a key moment because they won their game.  The players also probably planned already to dump the water on their coach.
4. An advanced technique in the photo would be freezing the water midair.