Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Merger Photo

1. When I'm taking the photos I'll need to make sure that nothing on me blends with my surroundings because there could be an editing problem in Photoshop like the one on the hand of the girl in the photo (the girl second from the left has a piece of fence on her hand).
2. I think a longish hallway would be a cool place to take the photo.
3. I could do the parts of an action (first would be standing, next would be one foot up a bit and an arm, etc.) or I could line myself up so that the different images of me look like they are interacting.
4. I should wear something that contrasts with my surroundings, so bright colors maybe.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR Photos


1. My favorite photo was the photo of the dog looking out the car window at the beach.
2. No, not to me.
3. I don't think the apps did very much because the camera is the important part, if you have a bad camera an app won't fix poor quality photos.
4. When I take photos with my phone I always take the photo straight on, I should try to use different angles.  Also, I could try to use different lighting when possible.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

HDR Photography

HDR Photography

HDR Photography

1. You need to manually change the aperture and shutter speed for different lighting or, if you have it, you can use an Auto Exposure Bracketing function.
2. A tripod will be the needed equipment besides the camera.
3. Someone could take an HDR image if they wanted their photograph to be surreal or high definition.
4. After the photos are merged there will be a bigger range of colors.