Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos

1. First seeing his work I had to stare at it for a moment to make sure I was seeing it correctly, then I was amazed by the fact that he could do this with a camera.

2. I think he did these photos by taking one photo (the center) and then overlapped it by tuning the camera slightly to either side.  Then somehow merged the photos when getting them as a physical picture.

3. The statue of liberty would make a great one of these and so would a lot of tall buildings that don't have large bases.



Great Black and White Photographers PART 2

In 1918 a child was born by the name of Arnold, Arnold Newman. He was born in New York city, however he grew up and went to school in Atlantic city, New Jersey. In June 1931, Beaumont Newhall "found" him and gave him an exhibit in the museum of modern art.  1946 Arnold moved back to new york and opened his own studio. In 1949 he married Augusta Rubenstein, they had two sons know as Eric and David. Arnold died 2006 followed by Augusta who died in 2009.

Two Men on Porch


Friday, September 25, 2015

Favorite Academic Photo

The photo was of a woman in a semi-dark room, she is sitting in front of a projector.


I really liked this photo because of the expression and lighting in the image. In this image there is the rule of thirds, balance, and simplicity.


1.I think I could take pictures in any of my classrooms and/or the library.
2.I would like to go to biology class to take pictures, however I'm not sure my teacher would say yes.
3.To get good photos I will have to experiment with angles, position the subject correctly, and really think about the rules.

Filling the Frame

In this image the girl and the books reach from edge to edge of the picture. The girl is positioned just right with the books so that it is appealing to the eye.

Acton and Emotion

This photo displays playful joy as the students mess around with the teacher.  Their expressions match the overall feel of this image.

The Story

This image shows a beautiful story of how students came together to honor a flag, this flag obviously has meaning to them.  For what ever reason this moment seems to be very emotional.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

People around the world edit photos to make people believe things that generally are not true.  They could remove people or things from the image or change how things appear.  Though many people do this, get caught, and lose their credit and job, people just won't stop editing their images.  This can be harmful and mean to others if you remove people because of race or gender and such.

This is unethical because it changes things and then it's lied about.  It is very immature of the editors to change the image and then lie, because they are supposed to be displaying to the public what happens in the world.

I found this image very unethical because they claimed that an important person to Iraq was dead.  Though people later found out he was not dead.

This image in my opinion is not much of a big deal.  The photo merely had the background changed to a slightly ore red tone, the rest of the image was the same.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critque

1. When trying to get photos for square, metal, bowie, happy I ran into the problem of finding something square that would make a good picture.  Then I had to deal with angles and position.

2. I found myself thinking mostly about the picture that needed a square, for some reason I couldn't find a picture I was happy with for that topic.

3. I would worry more about colors that are similar being close to each other, this way they wouldn't get merged together.

4. I would definitely use the same subjects that I used in my photos.

5. Link down below.

6. I think on my photo shoot I did a good enough job and I'm proud of my pictures, so I do not feel it necessary to redo the prompt.

7. I still don't quite understand balance, I can, however, look it up and find a definition that better suits my learning style.

I did the bowie photo.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Camera

1. In a dark room with a hole leading to light, the light is focused to show the outside scene on the opposite wall upside down, this was the first camera, know as camera obscura.

2. Issac Newton and Christian Huygen high quality glass lenses and optics.

3. Lens, film, and a dark box.

4. Light goes into the lens, into the camera, then it exposes the film.

5. Digital cameras use digital film.

6. Auto is completely camera controlled while program is slightly more manual.

7. Portrait mode blurs out the background and goes for the fastest lens setting.

8. Camera uses the quickest shutter speed possible.

9. The half-press locks the focus and allows for faster response time.

10. Flash is disabled when that symbol is used, this allows for more dramatic lighting.

11. Auto-flash is the name of that symbol and it is used when the camera thinks more light is needed.

12. If too much light appears in the picture the photo will be washed out.

13. If there isn't enough light the picture will be dark.

14. A stop is a unit of measurement for light that has to do with photography.

15. The planet is one stop brighter.

16. The planet is two stops brighter.

17. Longer shutter speeds have more light.

18. Shorter shutter speed have less light.

19. The aperture open or closes more to allow more or less light.

20. To increase the amount of light you open the aperture more.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Avoiding Mergers

In this photo the man is supposedly carrying the woman, however since they have been cut off it merely appears that they are walking in a rather strange fashion.


The buildings in the photo frame the clouds of smoke emitting from the explosion.


The amount of people on both sides is very similar, the viewers do not focus on one side because of the balance.


The lines on the buildings lead your eyes to the man in the picture.

Rule of Thirds

In this image the focal point is the police officer's face, and if you draw the lines you will see that the officer's face is in a intersection of the lines.



This image has a very simple background allowing for the subject, the american flag, to be viewed at ease.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers

Eugene Atget- Ragpicker

John Gutmann- Cord in Harlem

Arnold Newman- Willie "The Lion" Smith

Friday, September 4, 2015

My first photos

This image is one of my favorites from what i took.  I like it because it is a nice contrast of neutral and cool colors. It shows an upclose of a rock and very young saplings along with some blades of grass. This picture reminds me of a large zoomed out picture of a bare cliff that looks out over a jungle.

This photo shows a girl by a tree with sunlight shinning through.  I liked this photo because it appears that the girl is standing up in the tree balancing on a branch.  This picture is rather peaceful with so many natural colors.