Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critque

1. When trying to get photos for square, metal, bowie, happy I ran into the problem of finding something square that would make a good picture.  Then I had to deal with angles and position.

2. I found myself thinking mostly about the picture that needed a square, for some reason I couldn't find a picture I was happy with for that topic.

3. I would worry more about colors that are similar being close to each other, this way they wouldn't get merged together.

4. I would definitely use the same subjects that I used in my photos.

5. Link down below.

6. I think on my photo shoot I did a good enough job and I'm proud of my pictures, so I do not feel it necessary to redo the prompt.

7. I still don't quite understand balance, I can, however, look it up and find a definition that better suits my learning style.

I did the bowie photo.

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