Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

People around the world edit photos to make people believe things that generally are not true.  They could remove people or things from the image or change how things appear.  Though many people do this, get caught, and lose their credit and job, people just won't stop editing their images.  This can be harmful and mean to others if you remove people because of race or gender and such.

This is unethical because it changes things and then it's lied about.  It is very immature of the editors to change the image and then lie, because they are supposed to be displaying to the public what happens in the world.

I found this image very unethical because they claimed that an important person to Iraq was dead.  Though people later found out he was not dead.

This image in my opinion is not much of a big deal.  The photo merely had the background changed to a slightly ore red tone, the rest of the image was the same.

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