Monday, January 25, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1. My favorite image is connected, I liked it because of the idea behind it.  When I think of connected, I literally think of two things being attached to one another.  However, in this photo connected is used for being her being connected to the internet.  I also liked that having to have a image be black and white wasn't just making an image black and white.  Turning the photo black and white seemed to add on to the image.  It made it so there was no fight between the objects in the photo for attention.

2. I'd have to say my least favorite image is pose.  It didn't hold my attention as much as the other 3 photos.  I think it would help to zoom in more on the person, or to have a less busy background, or both. 

3. I liked these photos because they each had their own unique style.  The photos all appeared like they had time taken to pose  the subjects and find a good location and angle for each of them.

4. I think attention to background is one area that could be worked on.  As mentioned before in 2, the background was a little busy.

5. The picture that portrayed their prompt best, in my opinion, was pose.  You could tell it wasn't unplanned.

6. The photo that least successfully portrayed their prompt, to me, was yummy.  The focus seemed more on a student studying than on a 'yummy' drink.  Perhaps there could have been more focus on the drink by removing the papers.

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