Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Front Pages of the World

  1. My favorite newspaper was The Border Mail. I liked how it was laid out with one large picture in most of the space, then there was a story to the side that was much smaller but still stood out.    I also like how part of the picture stuck out into the white space.
  2. I liked the headline Plane Stupid.  It caught my attention and because I wanted to know what it meant I read the article.  Then I found it was a play on words. It caught my attention, made me want to read the article, and then made me laugh afterwards.
  3. There is one full story on the front of mine.
  4. All of the newspapers have a large title at the top in an easy to read font.  They all have at least one picture and a story (or at least a page number for the story) that goes with it. They also all have the date.
  5. The location of things on the cover varied a lot, also, the size of the text in the story seemed to have a pretty big range.

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