Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page- "A new policy for transfers takes effect"
The article was about how AISD is creating a new policy for transfer students.  This policy will affect   schools and their allowance of transfer students to try and stop overcrowding.  Bowie and Akins will not accept transfers if this rule is enforced.
Who- transfer students
What- a policy made to prevent overcrowding
Where- schools
When- 2016-2017 school year
Why- to prevent overcrowding
How- Putting in a new policy
Who was quoted- Jessica Torrez, Gero, Lyons
Strongest quote- Lyons said in an email.  "Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, in a continuing effort to relieve overcrowding, in addition to the majority minority priority transfers, sibling, and tracking transfers will also only be accepted at campuses with space available."
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- statement

Student Life- "Reaching a perfect balance"
The article was about a senior at Bowie, Bryana Johnson, who has two jobs.  She has to balance her work, school, and social activity time.  She talks about how having a job is prepping her for college and making her more independent.
Who- Bryana Johnson
What- jobs and balancing a schedule
Where- Bowie
When- 2016
Why- To have money for college applications and tuition
How- By working multiple jobs
Who was quoted- Bryana Johnson, Annalisa Gonzalez, Taylor Beltz, Vicki Vohl, Amy Lopez
Strongest quote- "Working gives you a new sense of independence and it puts me ahead because a lot of people find their first jobs in college and they won't know how to save or budget or anything like that and I've already started doing that for already two or three years now," Johnson said
Leading sentence- not especially
Conclusion- Quote

News- "Band to compete in nationals"
The article was about how the Bowie band will be going to the Grand Nats.  It contains quotes from band members about past performances in the competition.  Also, it talks about the amount of effort that is put into practicing and even getting and organizing the trip to the Grand Nats.
Who- Bowie band
What- Grand Nats
Where- Indianapolis
When- 2016
Why- To try and win the competition
How- by trying as hard as they can  
Who was quoted- Caroline Garcia, Kim Shuttlesworth, Allison Yetter, Maya Webb, Adam Dinkins
Strongest quote- "It’s such a beautiful thing to be part of this production,” freshman Allison Yetter said. “I saw the show that last went to Grand Nats, and it was moving; it brought tears to my eyes.”
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Quote

Sports- "Sophomore black belt fights her way to a top ranking"
The article was about a sophomore who has been taking martial arts since the age of 5.  She has achieved a black belt  and continues to train.  Martial arts has trained her physically and mentally, helping her learn respect and be confident.
Who- Lily Ang
What- black belt in martial arts
Where- World Kuk Sool Won Association
When- 2016
Why- To be a better person and a confident woman
How- By training at KSW
Who was quoted- Lily Ang, Barbara King, Riley Murphy, Alicia Ang, Bella Cumminato
Strongest quote- "KSW has taught me the importance of testing my limits and trying to push past them, bettering myself in body and spirit,”Murphy said. “It has taught me self respect and discipline, as well as a better understanding of the respect for others.”
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Quote

Entertainment- "Annual Renaissance Festival fills students with joy"
Every year there is a renaissance festival that happens for 8 weeks.  People dress up in costumes from the era and enjoy a world that is new to them.  There are interactive plays and other entertainment all throughout the festival.
Who- People who visit or work at the festival
What- Renaissance festival
Where- Near Houston
When- October to November
Why- Fun and entertainment
How- With interactive plays and shops and costumes
Who was quoted- Clarisse Burns, Travis Bryant, Amanda Urrutia
Strongest quote- “It is a place where people can step back in time and escape into a land of fantasy, magic, and romance.  It also offers unique, live entertainment which is different from anything you will find on television, movies, or even most stage shows,” festival marketing employee Travis Bryant said.
Leading sentence- not especially
Conclusion- Quote

Commentary- "Questions arise as Avery is charged for murder"
A new documentary has showed up on Netflix called "Making a Murderer".  The documentary is about Avery and how he is framed as a murderer.  It gets really good reviews from multiple critics and is watched by many.
Who- Steven Avery
What- New documentary
Where- On Netflix
When- Last month
Why- To teach people about the trial
How- By creating an interesting but informative show
Who was quoted- No one
Strongest quote- There aren't any quotes
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Statement

In-Depth-"Tarzan brings STC to new heights"
The article was about the play put on by Bowie called "Tarzan".  It talks about the amount of effort that had to be put in to make this play happen.  Also, it mentions the fact that a new light board is needed for productions and they may have enough money for a new one.
Who- The Tarzan cast
What- Behind the scenes and thoughts about the play
Where- The stage at Bowie
When- The eight nights they performed
Why- To have fun and gain experience for later acting careers
How- By learning roles and performing in front of an audience
Who was quoted- Eryn Northcutt, Emma Hashcke, Jackson Walker, Austin Hyde, Juliana Davis, Betsy Cornwell
Strongest quote- "I couldn't have wished for a better last musical, because it taught me to believe in myself and it'll always have a special place in my heart."
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Quote

Photography Section
1. My favorite picture is 'walking out' in "FFA takes T.C.Y.S. by a storm"
1a. I like this photo because it shows a lot of what was going on at the show without it being too busy or distracting from the focal point.
1b. Rule of Thirds
2. My least favorite photo is 'Getting involved' in "Eighth grade orientation showcases what the school has to offer students"
2a. I didn't like it too much because of how on the left side of the photo there is a girl, a poster, and a hanging shirt that has nothing to do with the main focus of the photo.
3. "FFA takes T.C.Y.S. by a storm" would have been the topic I would want to take photos for.  I think it would have been fun and interesting with all the things that were available to take pictures of.
4. The photography was good but there were some places it could have been better.  Some of the photos didn't grab or hold my attention well.  They could have changed viewpoints to make the photos more interesting.

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