Sunday, November 1, 2015

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks


1. The photos of the animals were stunning.  They conveyed so much emotion without color or facial expressions.  Nick Brandt is an amazing photographer and person, showing people the beauty that is disappearing due to us.

I liked this photo because of the interesting setup, he could of taken the photo at another angle to make it obvious that there are two separate lions next to each other.  Though he instead took a more risky angle of a nearly straight on.  I like this angle more than what I think other angles would look like.
Rule of Thirds; the subject (the lion who is sitting closest to the camera's face) is not centered nor off at the edge.
Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 67II with two fixed lenses, this is because he wanted to use film instead of digital and he liked the waist level viewfinder.
He took these photos because he wanted to express his love for East Africa and the animals in it. 
He wanted to raise awareness for the dying animals of East Africa.
"There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals of East and southern Africa."
Theme Park

Glen Echo Amusement Park in Maryland looks like a good place to take photos.  I think this place would be good because it looks like it has some cool things t use as the subject for the photos.  I like how it's abandoned but it doesn't give me the same creepy feel as the other locations. 

  • Candy shop
  • Art supply store
  • Bowling Alley
  • Hospital
  • Junkyard

A candy shop is a bright, colorful place.  It would be good for happy, energetic feeling photos.  I think the many shapes, colors, sizes would be great for variety in the photos.

At this location not much in terms of equipment is needed, a tripod and a camera and you can take some photos.  I don't think you'd have to worry about laws as long as you actually have permission to shoot in the store. Not much money is needed for this, unless you have a sweet tooth. 

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