Monday, November 9, 2015

American Soldier - Photos Make the Story

a. The 2nd photo I thought was the most powerful.  It showed a drastic change in this person's life, even without background knowledge you can tell that he is concerned and doesn't know what's going to happen.

b. Set 1- At Home- Image 1 to image 4
Set 2- Basic Training- Image 5 to image 15
Set 3- In Iraq- Image 16 to image 27

c. I think the most powerful set of images was Set 2.  It displayed emotion in each photo, you could tell he was scared, and towards the beginning, lonely in each of the photos.

d. The images show you how parts of his life where he becomes scared and confused to where he becomes stronger and confident. 

e. Present Tense

f. It enhances the photos by giving just enough information for you to get an idea of what's going on and understand or connect more with the photo.

g. Ian Fisher had to prepare to leave his family and friends to go to basic training for the army.  As he arrives at basic training he hurts his back, foot, and then his ankle which results to him taking medication.  He goes off to Iraq and works as a quick-reaction force member for a while and helps in some other ways as well.

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