Thursday, March 31, 2016

Learning to Interview

First topic- School Uniforms

People to ask: Head of the school board, teacher at one of the schools, principle of one of the schools

  1. Do you think school uniforms will help students academically?
  2. How do you think students will react to the new policy?
  3. Are you for or against this new policy?
  4. Why was the policy created?
  5. What benefits will having this policy create?
  6. How could this policy negatively affect the schools?
  7. How do you think parents will react to school uniforms?
  8. Is there any financial aid for buying the uniforms for low income families?
  9. Where can you get the uniforms?
  10. How much do the uniforms cost?
  11. What do students do if their religion requires them to wear another article of clothing?
  12. When will the policy be put into action?
  13.  Who will be enforcing this policy?
  14.  How were the uniform designs decided?
  15.  Will accessories like jewelry still be allowed? 
  16.  How will you know if the uniforms are helping the students in their learning environment?
  17.  Are school uniforms required for after school activities?
  18. What will the penalty be for not wearing a uniform?
  19. If enough parents complain will the policy be taken down?
  20. What do students do with the uniforms after the school year is over?

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