Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final Exam Preview

Website 1

1. The video was about the basics of using iMovie.  It started off by talking about the things you may need, like a video camera.  After that, it began talking about the creation of the movie and how it should be in DV format.  Then, it explained the layout of the program by explaining what each piece did and where it was located.
     After this, it begins talking about rearranging clips or photos in the movie.  It gives a demonstration on how to shorten the clips and how to split the clips apart.  Then, the video showed that you can also add titles and subtitles to clips.  Finaly, it showed how to use the effects feature and finished with saving the video.

2. It talked about the rearranging and shortening of clips which I already knew about.

3. I didn't know there were effects in iMovie, especially ones like brightness and contrast.

Website 2

1. On the website it starts out by talking about all the main features like having 4K resolution.  After that, it talks about how easy and simple it is to use.  Then, it explains that it uses a simple drag and drop method for its editing.
    Next, it shows how iMovies are accessible from any of your devices.  It also talks about iMovie Theater, a feature that allows all of the finished movies to be seen from any device.  Lastly, it states that there are many ways to share the final products from iMovie.

2. I already knew that iMovie had multiple ways to share and post the videos.

3.  It said that the movies could be worked on from any device which I didn't know.

4. I'm concerned that I will dream up and get excited about a plan I will be unable to execute, this could happen if I get too detailed or set my heart on using a prop that I will be unable to use.

5. I'm going to make a storyboard early on so I will know what photos, narrations, and clips go where in my movie and so I can be sure I meet all the requirements.

6. I want to do a story of some sort and try to make it at least a little funny, I was thinking I could do a reenactment of a movie or a play.

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