Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

Who wrote the story- an editor
What is the story about- the argument between the FBI and apple about one of their costumers, the FBI want apple to unlock the users phone
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "...we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."
Did they address what the other side could think- Yes
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- No
Are there any quotes- No
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
Drug dog investigations have students feelings as though their rights are being violated at school

Who wrote the story- Granger Coats
What is the story about- schools violating rights of students
What is their direct opinion about the topic-  "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved only for severe cases..."
Did they address what the other side could think- No
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- No
Are there any quotes- No
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
Social media, back at it again

Who wrote the story- Alicia Molina
What is the story about- Daniel and Josh (famous from Damn Daniel videos) using the fame they got from their snapchat videos for helping others.
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "...we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use their fame for good."
Did they address what the other side could think- No
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- No
Are there any quotes- Yes
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
Beyonce causes controversy

Who wrote the story- Fuaad Ajaz
What is the story about- Beyonce and how she stands up against police brutality and gets criticized for it.
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "No one should be offended by a powerful women using her position to defend and protect members of her race and culture."
Did they address what the other side could think-
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- no
Are there any quotes- Yes
What point of view did they write in- 3rd person
Is the AP world history test worth it?

Who wrote the story- Mia Barbosa
What is the story about- How AP tests can help students wanting to go to college
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
Did they address what the other side could think- no
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- no
Are there any quotes-no
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
A. 1) An opinion piece contains what the author thinks about the topic.
2) There are usually no quotes in an opinion piece.
3) Opinion pieces usually do not contain photos but rather drawings.
B. There usually aren't photos because it's hard to take photos of an opinion.
C. 1) An article about gun laws and/or open carry
2) What should be done about the flint water crisis?
3) Should the Olympics still be held in Brazil after the zika outbreak?

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