Monday, April 18, 2016

Opinion Writing Part 2

Americans need to trump Trump
1. An adviser
2. How Donald Trump should not be president
3. "He speaks in a disrespectful way to and about pretty much everyone, and definitely every “minority,” so tell me, Trump supporters, how on Earth can you actually want someone who is so rude, corrupted, greedy, and narcissistic to be President?"
4. They tried but they can't figure out what the other side is thinking.
5. No, they said, "It’s factual. Donald Trump would not be a good leader," and they stated this in many places throughout the article.
6. Yes, there are quotes
7. 1st person

Feminism strikes against male sexism
1. Gloria Gatica
2. How women continue to not be equal with men
3. "I am a feminist because I don’t think it’s fair for women to have less rights or to have less opportunities."
4. Kind of they said a small bit about it.
5. No, they clearly state that they are against the unfairness in multiple places.
6. No, there aren't quotes
7. 1st person

Is social media creating an ISIS epidemic?
1. Kamryn Kobal
2. How ISIS is recruiting and encouraging people through social media
3. "Receiving a negative reputation of violence and terrorism in the West, many are wondering why anyone would go join this radical extremist group."
4. No, they didn't
5. No, they were very firm with their opinion
6. Yes, there are quotes
7. 3rd person

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