Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Merger Photo

1. When I'm taking the photos I'll need to make sure that nothing on me blends with my surroundings because there could be an editing problem in Photoshop like the one on the hand of the girl in the photo (the girl second from the left has a piece of fence on her hand).
2. I think a longish hallway would be a cool place to take the photo.
3. I could do the parts of an action (first would be standing, next would be one foot up a bit and an arm, etc.) or I could line myself up so that the different images of me look like they are interacting.
4. I should wear something that contrasts with my surroundings, so bright colors maybe.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR Photos


1. My favorite photo was the photo of the dog looking out the car window at the beach.
2. No, not to me.
3. I don't think the apps did very much because the camera is the important part, if you have a bad camera an app won't fix poor quality photos.
4. When I take photos with my phone I always take the photo straight on, I should try to use different angles.  Also, I could try to use different lighting when possible.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

HDR Photography

HDR Photography

HDR Photography

1. You need to manually change the aperture and shutter speed for different lighting or, if you have it, you can use an Auto Exposure Bracketing function.
2. A tripod will be the needed equipment besides the camera.
3. Someone could take an HDR image if they wanted their photograph to be surreal or high definition.
4. After the photos are merged there will be a bigger range of colors.

Friday, April 29, 2016


Final Exam Planning Warm-up

I plan to try and shoot the assignment next weekend (May 7th and 8th).  This will give me enough time so that if something happens I can re-shoot.  My shots will be based around a trip to the zoo and the photos will be taken at the Austin zoo.  I'll need a camera, but I don't think I'll need a tripod.  I'm thinking the video will be towards the end I think the narration will also be near the end.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final Exam Preview

Website 1

1. The video was about the basics of using iMovie.  It started off by talking about the things you may need, like a video camera.  After that, it began talking about the creation of the movie and how it should be in DV format.  Then, it explained the layout of the program by explaining what each piece did and where it was located.
     After this, it begins talking about rearranging clips or photos in the movie.  It gives a demonstration on how to shorten the clips and how to split the clips apart.  Then, the video showed that you can also add titles and subtitles to clips.  Finaly, it showed how to use the effects feature and finished with saving the video.

2. It talked about the rearranging and shortening of clips which I already knew about.

3. I didn't know there were effects in iMovie, especially ones like brightness and contrast.

Website 2

1. On the website it starts out by talking about all the main features like having 4K resolution.  After that, it talks about how easy and simple it is to use.  Then, it explains that it uses a simple drag and drop method for its editing.
    Next, it shows how iMovies are accessible from any of your devices.  It also talks about iMovie Theater, a feature that allows all of the finished movies to be seen from any device.  Lastly, it states that there are many ways to share the final products from iMovie.

2. I already knew that iMovie had multiple ways to share and post the videos.

3.  It said that the movies could be worked on from any device which I didn't know.

4. I'm concerned that I will dream up and get excited about a plan I will be unable to execute, this could happen if I get too detailed or set my heart on using a prop that I will be unable to use.

5. I'm going to make a storyboard early on so I will know what photos, narrations, and clips go where in my movie and so I can be sure I meet all the requirements.

6. I want to do a story of some sort and try to make it at least a little funny, I was thinking I could do a reenactment of a movie or a play.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Opinion Story

     Brazil is supposed to hold the 2016 Olympics but currently has the zika virus being spread by mosquitoes. The fact that Brazil still wants to hold the Olympics seems rather immature to me.  They are putting the games before people's health and safety which to me is unacceptable.

      The zika virus can cause birth defects and there are no specific treatments for the symptoms of fatigue, vomiting, loss of appetite, and others.  There is also no vaccine and is spread by mosquitoes which bite year round in Brazil.  Along with this the virus is suspected to cause Guillain-Barre syndrome which causes paralysis. 

      The disease can also spread from person to person, this means the zika virus will spread to other countries.  The disease could become a worldwide thing which seems worse than not having the Olympics to me.  It is already in Africa, South America, and South Asia.

        People are already worried about going to the games and the amount of attendees would drop.  Even athletes and staff who are worried about the zika virus are advised not to go.  If there were little attendees it would result in less ticket sales so less money would be made.

       The zika virus has become a problem that cannot be ignored anymore, it was first identified in humans during 1952 and has increased in numbers since. We don't need to spread this disease further, having the Olympics would be a silly and ridiculous thing to do.

       However, the other side of the argument could say that the virus's symptoms can last less than a week and can be mild.  Also, there has been lots of money already spent on the Olympics and it would go to waste if the games were canceled.  I can understand these arguments, but I think the fact that it can cause birth defects and possibly paralysis is a good enough reason to not have the event.

        We could move the location of the Olympics if it truly must be done, this would be difficult but possible.  The Olympics could also just be canceled, they have already been canceled five times in the past so this wouldn't be the first time.

        There would be an estimated 16,000 athletes and 600,000 people in the crowd, all of these people would be at risk for getting the zika virus.  That is 616,000 people, we would put at risk.

       Personally I think people come before sports.  If a baby has a birth defect they have to live with that for the rest of their life, if we skip the Olympics one year we will always have next year.



Monday, April 18, 2016

Personal Essays

1. The topic has to be something the author is passionate about.  They have to care enough about the topic that they can make the reader feel their passion behind it.
2. Make sure to include details about the topic and to be specific.
3. a) Try to use all the senses in the pieces
    b) Make sure the hook grabs the readers attention, possibly use a question
    c) Facts do not help in opinion pieces, if used make sure they are accurate

Opinion Writing Part 2

Americans need to trump Trump
1. An adviser
2. How Donald Trump should not be president
3. "He speaks in a disrespectful way to and about pretty much everyone, and definitely every “minority,” so tell me, Trump supporters, how on Earth can you actually want someone who is so rude, corrupted, greedy, and narcissistic to be President?"
4. They tried but they can't figure out what the other side is thinking.
5. No, they said, "It’s factual. Donald Trump would not be a good leader," and they stated this in many places throughout the article.
6. Yes, there are quotes
7. 1st person

Feminism strikes against male sexism
1. Gloria Gatica
2. How women continue to not be equal with men
3. "I am a feminist because I don’t think it’s fair for women to have less rights or to have less opportunities."
4. Kind of they said a small bit about it.
5. No, they clearly state that they are against the unfairness in multiple places.
6. No, there aren't quotes
7. 1st person

Is social media creating an ISIS epidemic?
1. Kamryn Kobal
2. How ISIS is recruiting and encouraging people through social media
3. "Receiving a negative reputation of violence and terrorism in the West, many are wondering why anyone would go join this radical extremist group."
4. No, they didn't
5. No, they were very firm with their opinion
6. Yes, there are quotes
7. 3rd person

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

Who wrote the story- an editor
What is the story about- the argument between the FBI and apple about one of their costumers, the FBI want apple to unlock the users phone
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "...we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."
Did they address what the other side could think- Yes
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- No
Are there any quotes- No
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
Drug dog investigations have students feelings as though their rights are being violated at school

Who wrote the story- Granger Coats
What is the story about- schools violating rights of students
What is their direct opinion about the topic-  "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved only for severe cases..."
Did they address what the other side could think- No
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- No
Are there any quotes- No
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
Social media, back at it again

Who wrote the story- Alicia Molina
What is the story about- Daniel and Josh (famous from Damn Daniel videos) using the fame they got from their snapchat videos for helping others.
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "...we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use their fame for good."
Did they address what the other side could think- No
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- No
Are there any quotes- Yes
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
Beyonce causes controversy

Who wrote the story- Fuaad Ajaz
What is the story about- Beyonce and how she stands up against police brutality and gets criticized for it.
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "No one should be offended by a powerful women using her position to defend and protect members of her race and culture."
Did they address what the other side could think-
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- no
Are there any quotes- Yes
What point of view did they write in- 3rd person
Is the AP world history test worth it?

Who wrote the story- Mia Barbosa
What is the story about- How AP tests can help students wanting to go to college
What is their direct opinion about the topic- "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."
Did they address what the other side could think- no
Were they Wishy-Washy with their opinion- no
Are there any quotes-no
What point of view did they write in- 1st person
A. 1) An opinion piece contains what the author thinks about the topic.
2) There are usually no quotes in an opinion piece.
3) Opinion pieces usually do not contain photos but rather drawings.
B. There usually aren't photos because it's hard to take photos of an opinion.
C. 1) An article about gun laws and/or open carry
2) What should be done about the flint water crisis?
3) Should the Olympics still be held in Brazil after the zika outbreak?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Earthquake Story

An earthquake shook the San Francisco Bay area and partially collapsed an auto supply store called McHenry's Auto Supply at 2342 Plum street.  This happened on monday morning at 8:12 am PDT, it killed two people and injured six, no other people have been reported injured.  Out of the six people who were injured three of the people had to be hospitalized.  There were twelve police, five american red cross workers, and twenty one fire personnel, some of the workers arrived within four minutes of the collapse.

The earthquake was felt as far north as Redding and as far south as Las Angeles.  Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. geological survey in Menlo Park, stated that the epicenter of the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale.  Ropes were used to stabilize the auto supply store and a gas line had to be capped after it was detected to be leaking at the site.

Mike Beamer, a resident of an apartment across the street from McHenry's Auto Supply, claimed he felt a rolling motion with a big jolt in the middle.  It lasted for about 30 seconds and there was some damage to the building.

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That's when the screaming start across the street," Beamer said.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Huntington Story

A 53 year old woman, named Janice Jones, was in her motor home on Beach Boulevard eating pork chops, when her dog knocked a gun off the seat.  This occurred last Wednesday around 10 pm, the bullet hit her in the leg.  Janice was taken to the Huntington Beach hospital by an ambulance. 

Jones was taken care of at the hospital while her dog, a pomeranian named Tombo, was in the care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control Officers.  The dog was found to be underfed and had new cigarette burns on its forehead. The office would see into charging Jones with animal abuse and possibly for her not having a permit for her gun.  

"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," Huntington Beach Animal Control Officer Janet Ngo said.

The bullet that was fired had pierced the wall of the vehicle.

"It could have been worse, the bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," Jones said.

News Values

2.Coral reefs are usually not well known by an average person.  Reading about how this thing that most people already don't know much about and how it's dying gets people alarmed and wanting to read more.
3. Climate-Related Death of Coral Around World Alarms Scientists
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/10/world/asia/climate-related-death-of-coral-around-world-alarms-scientists.html?ref=world&_r=0

1. Human intrest
2. The people trying to cross the border for a different life already is hard.  Then, add the people being atacked while doing so, this results in viewers feeling sad and wanting to know what happened.
3. Macedonian Police Use Tear Gas to Stop Migrants at Border
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/11/world/europe/macedonia-greece-migrants-refugees.html?ref=world

1. Proximity
2. The banks around America will be required to follow this new rule. Most people in America use banks, this would mean they would want to know what is happening with them.
3.U.S. Plans to Require Banks to Identify Owners of Shell Companies
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/07/world/americas/us-plans-to-require-banks-to-identify-owners-of-shell-companies.html?&moduleDetail=section-news-4&action=click&contentCollection=Americas&region=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article

1. Timeless
2. The article is brand new (19 minutes from when I wrote this). The information within the article also seems to be newly known.
3. Meteorologist Mark Murray leaving KVUE after 26 years
4. http://tvradio.blog.austin360.com/2016/04/11/meteorologist-mark-murray-leaving-kvue-after-26-years/

1. Prominence
2. The article is about the bible and when it was written.  The bible is the top selling book so it definitely deserves the spotlight.
3. New Evidence on When Bible Was Written: Ancient Shopping Lists
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/12/world/middleeast/new-evidence-onwhen-bible-was-written-ancient-shopping-lists.html?ref=world

1. Conflict
2. The article is about the prime minister of Britain arguing with the Labour Party over taxes.  Since the article is about two opposing forces it fits very well into the conflict category.
3. David Cameron Clashes With Rivals Over Tax Havens and His Wealth
4. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/12/world/europe/david-cameron-panama-papers-parliament-jeremy-corbyn.html?ref=world

1. Impact
2. The article was about work that will be occurring on a often drove on road. The article is to inform readers about this so they will know how it will impact them.
3. MoPac lane closure starts between 35th, 45th streets for 6 months
4. http://www.statesman.com/news/news/traffic/mopac-lane-closed-between-35th-45th-for-about-6-mo/nq3jq/

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nut Graf

    A nut graf is a paragraph that usually goes after the first and includes the who, what, when, where, why, and how that weren't answered in the first. It often supports the first paragraph and explains why the topic is important.  It often connects the lead with the rest of the story.
    However, the nut graf is not required to be an entire paragraph, but rather a sentence.  The nut graf is very important to the story because without it the reader may be lost on what the point of the story is.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who- Jaxson Bennett, student of the month, 10th grader
What- Won student of the month
Where- Bowie High School
When- This month (April)
Why- He worked hard
How- He was committed

Jaxson Bennett, a 10th grader at Bowie High School, recently won student of the month.  His hard work and commitment has allowed for him to win the April student of the month.  Not only did he win but he beat everyone by a landslide.

The winner of the student of the month receives a ribbon and a certificate; only high achieving students receive these prizes.  Jaxson Bennett has met all the qualifications and will receive these sometime in the near future.

The news brought joy to Jaxson and his family.

"I went home and 'yayed'," sophomore Jaxson Bennett said.

His family was very proud of his acomplishment.

"I was so happy with his grades and how he was doing in school, then we found out he won and I couldn't be any happier," Jaxon's mother Mrs. Bennett said.

While Bennett is proud of his accomplishment he is unsure if he should try to win again.

"It depends what next year brings," Bennett said.

Having a student of the month encourages many students like Bennett to do well in school.

"It makes kids wanna try harder and shoot for a goal," Bennett said.

Bennett worked every night, if he didn't have homework he would study from his notebooks.

"I'll come to his room to tell him dinner is ready and he'll be sitting at his desk looking over papers, erasing, and then rewriting," Jaxson's brother Peter Bennett said.

Sticking with things like school work is extremely important for getting student of the month.

"I commit to things and finish it," Bennett said.

Bennett's teachers all agree that he is an outstanding student and works hard in class.

"He is always focused and on topic, he gets his work done and stays on top of all it," Bennett's photojournalism teacher Mr. Reeves said.

Bennett's friends were very proud of him and excited to be able to say they knew the student of the month.

"My friends were happy in a super exaggerating way," Bennett said

Bennett had lots of advice for other students looking to be student of the month.

"Try hard, it will pay off" Bennett said.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Inverted Pyramid

My First Interview

  1.  What is your full name? Jaxson Bennett
  2.  What grade are you in? 10th grade
  3.  What classes are you taking? All the core classes and some electives
  4.  Why do you think you were chosen to be student of the month? I commit to things and finish it
  5.  How does it feel to be student of the month? It feels good
  6.  Have you ever received any other titles or awards for academic reasons? No
  7.  What is your favorite class that you are currently taking? P.E.
  8.  Was getting student of the month a goal you had? Yeah, but wasn't priority
  9.  Were you surprised when you found out you were student of the month? Yes, very
  10.  Who is your favorite teacher? Mr. Reeves
  11.  How did your parents react to you being named student of the month? They said "good job"
  12.  Where do you plan to go to college when you graduate? I don't know, probably a small college
  13.  What do you plan to major in? Sales in general
  14.  What advice would you give students trying to get student of the month? Try hard, it will pay off
  15.  What does the prize associated with student of the month look like? A piece of paper and a ribbon
  16.  Are you going to try and win student of the month again? Maybe, it depends on what the next year brings
  17.  How does having a student of the month motivate students to do better? It makes them wanna try harder and shoot for a goal
  18.  Did you learn anything from former student of the months to help you achieve the title? Yeah
  19.  How will you celebrate for winning the title? Go home and 'yay'
  20.  How did your friends react to you winning student of the month? They were happy in a super exaggerated way

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student of the Month Interview

  1.  What is your full name?
  2.  What grade are you in?
  3.  What classes are you taking?
  4.  Why do you think you were chosen to be student of the month?
  5.  How does it feel to be student of the month?
  6.  Have you ever received any other titles or awards for academic reasons?
  7.  What is your favorite class that you are currently taking?
  8.  Was getting student of the month a goal you had?
  9.  Were you surprised when you found out you were student of the month?
  10.  Who is your favorite teacher?
  11.  How did your parents react to you being named student of the month?
  12.  Where do you plan to go to college when you graduate?
  13.  What do you plan to major in?
  14.  What advice would you give students trying to get student of the month?
  15.  What does the prize associated with student of the month look like?
  16.  Are you going to try and win student of the month again?
  17.  How does having a student of the month motivate students to do better?
  18.  Did you learn anything from former student of the months to help you achieve the title?
  19.  How will you celebrate for winning the title?
  20.  How did your friends react to you winning student of the month?

Learning to Interview

First topic- School Uniforms

People to ask: Head of the school board, teacher at one of the schools, principle of one of the schools

  1. Do you think school uniforms will help students academically?
  2. How do you think students will react to the new policy?
  3. Are you for or against this new policy?
  4. Why was the policy created?
  5. What benefits will having this policy create?
  6. How could this policy negatively affect the schools?
  7. How do you think parents will react to school uniforms?
  8. Is there any financial aid for buying the uniforms for low income families?
  9. Where can you get the uniforms?
  10. How much do the uniforms cost?
  11. What do students do if their religion requires them to wear another article of clothing?
  12. When will the policy be put into action?
  13.  Who will be enforcing this policy?
  14.  How were the uniform designs decided?
  15.  Will accessories like jewelry still be allowed? 
  16.  How will you know if the uniforms are helping the students in their learning environment?
  17.  Are school uniforms required for after school activities?
  18. What will the penalty be for not wearing a uniform?
  19. If enough parents complain will the policy be taken down?
  20. What do students do with the uniforms after the school year is over?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sport/Action Photos

Justine is a high schooler at Bowie who is trying out for track.  She practiced every morning for a few weeks to prepare herself.

Marissa is a student at Bowie High School that races around the track often.  She was running around the courtyard because the track had closed for the morning.

Justine losses track of time often but hates to be late.  She realized that the bell was going to ring and sprinted to her next class.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Nautilus House, Mexico
1. Built by- Javier Senosiain
2. The house was completed in 2007
3. Located in- Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. Private property
5. Cost to build- $218,000
6. Javier wanted to feel closer to nature with his family
7. I picked this building because the colorful glass on the building caught my eye.  After I saw it I wanted to see how it looked from different views and on the inside. It has a really cool layout and when I first saw it I was amazed that it was a house.

Kansas City Public Library, United States

1. Built by- Brian M. Finn
2. It was finished in 2004
3. Located in- Kansas City, Missouri
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- $200,000
6. It's a parking garage but I couldn't find anything on why they built the way they did.
7. I chose this building because it was a very strange design for a building and looked really cool.  I found out that the part that looks like books is a parking garage and isn't actually the library part which I found amusing.  The amount of detail put into the books was incredible and it amazed me.

Eden project, United Kingdom

1. Built by- Nicholas Grimshaw
2. It was finished in 2000
3. Located in- Cornwall, UK
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- £86.5m
6. The building was made in an abandoned clay pit and the first few months of construction was filled with rain, this flooded parts of the pit.
7. I chose this building because I had heard of it before but I didn't know much about it.  When I saw it I was amazed by how big it was. I thought the design of the building was great and it kind of looked like, to me, a bunch of bubbles cluttered around each other.  Since I had heard of the building I wanted to find out more about what it was.
Nord LB building, Germany
1. Built by- Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner
2. It was finished in 2002
3. Located in- Hanover, Germany
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- I couldn't find a cost
6. The building is a bank and contains a large art collection.
7. I picked this building because it looks crazy and fun.  Parts of the building don't look like they should stay up, they don't look supported enough.  The building has a very strange design for a bank which makes it all the more cool.

Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
1. Built by- Szotyńscy & Zaleski
2. It was finished in 2004
3. Located in- Sopot, Poland
4. Can be visited
5. Cost to build- I couldn't find a cost
6. The design was inspired by fairytale illustrations.
7. I chose this building because I wasn't even sure what it was until looking it up.  It reminds me of Salvador Dali's 'The Persistence of Memory' or as most people probably know it, that painting with the melting clocks.  It has the same droopy appearance as in the painting and I thought that was really cool.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sensory Overload

1. Seymour had a good point about the objects and devices in our life.  I do agree that the objects and devices we own seem to represent a building more than the shape or design of the building.
2. The pictures I saw were really interesting and I wanted to see this place from different angles and try to find if there is another way to take pictures of these booths that captured the same idea but was a little less busy.
3. I think it would definitely have its ups and downs.  Some of the booths were colorful and fun and others were strange.  Also as a kid you'd probably see many other kids and be able to play all the time.
4. My favorite photo was of the artificial plants booth. It was bright and all the different plants together made almost like a jungle feel, the plants framed the girl working at the booth.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Warm up

1. After sports games winning teams sometimes dump a liquid (usually Gatorade) on their coach to celebrate.
2. The shutter speed is high because the water isn't blurred very much.
3. This was probably a key moment because they won their game.  The players also probably planned already to dump the water on their coach.
4. An advanced technique in the photo would be freezing the water midair.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page- "A new policy for transfers takes effect"
The article was about how AISD is creating a new policy for transfer students.  This policy will affect   schools and their allowance of transfer students to try and stop overcrowding.  Bowie and Akins will not accept transfers if this rule is enforced.
Who- transfer students
What- a policy made to prevent overcrowding
Where- schools
When- 2016-2017 school year
Why- to prevent overcrowding
How- Putting in a new policy
Who was quoted- Jessica Torrez, Gero, Lyons
Strongest quote- Lyons said in an email.  "Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, in a continuing effort to relieve overcrowding, in addition to the majority minority priority transfers, sibling, and tracking transfers will also only be accepted at campuses with space available."
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- statement

Student Life- "Reaching a perfect balance"
The article was about a senior at Bowie, Bryana Johnson, who has two jobs.  She has to balance her work, school, and social activity time.  She talks about how having a job is prepping her for college and making her more independent.
Who- Bryana Johnson
What- jobs and balancing a schedule
Where- Bowie
When- 2016
Why- To have money for college applications and tuition
How- By working multiple jobs
Who was quoted- Bryana Johnson, Annalisa Gonzalez, Taylor Beltz, Vicki Vohl, Amy Lopez
Strongest quote- "Working gives you a new sense of independence and it puts me ahead because a lot of people find their first jobs in college and they won't know how to save or budget or anything like that and I've already started doing that for already two or three years now," Johnson said
Leading sentence- not especially
Conclusion- Quote

News- "Band to compete in nationals"
The article was about how the Bowie band will be going to the Grand Nats.  It contains quotes from band members about past performances in the competition.  Also, it talks about the amount of effort that is put into practicing and even getting and organizing the trip to the Grand Nats.
Who- Bowie band
What- Grand Nats
Where- Indianapolis
When- 2016
Why- To try and win the competition
How- by trying as hard as they can  
Who was quoted- Caroline Garcia, Kim Shuttlesworth, Allison Yetter, Maya Webb, Adam Dinkins
Strongest quote- "It’s such a beautiful thing to be part of this production,” freshman Allison Yetter said. “I saw the show that last went to Grand Nats, and it was moving; it brought tears to my eyes.”
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Quote

Sports- "Sophomore black belt fights her way to a top ranking"
The article was about a sophomore who has been taking martial arts since the age of 5.  She has achieved a black belt  and continues to train.  Martial arts has trained her physically and mentally, helping her learn respect and be confident.
Who- Lily Ang
What- black belt in martial arts
Where- World Kuk Sool Won Association
When- 2016
Why- To be a better person and a confident woman
How- By training at KSW
Who was quoted- Lily Ang, Barbara King, Riley Murphy, Alicia Ang, Bella Cumminato
Strongest quote- "KSW has taught me the importance of testing my limits and trying to push past them, bettering myself in body and spirit,”Murphy said. “It has taught me self respect and discipline, as well as a better understanding of the respect for others.”
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Quote

Entertainment- "Annual Renaissance Festival fills students with joy"
Every year there is a renaissance festival that happens for 8 weeks.  People dress up in costumes from the era and enjoy a world that is new to them.  There are interactive plays and other entertainment all throughout the festival.
Who- People who visit or work at the festival
What- Renaissance festival
Where- Near Houston
When- October to November
Why- Fun and entertainment
How- With interactive plays and shops and costumes
Who was quoted- Clarisse Burns, Travis Bryant, Amanda Urrutia
Strongest quote- “It is a place where people can step back in time and escape into a land of fantasy, magic, and romance.  It also offers unique, live entertainment which is different from anything you will find on television, movies, or even most stage shows,” festival marketing employee Travis Bryant said.
Leading sentence- not especially
Conclusion- Quote

Commentary- "Questions arise as Avery is charged for murder"
A new documentary has showed up on Netflix called "Making a Murderer".  The documentary is about Avery and how he is framed as a murderer.  It gets really good reviews from multiple critics and is watched by many.
Who- Steven Avery
What- New documentary
Where- On Netflix
When- Last month
Why- To teach people about the trial
How- By creating an interesting but informative show
Who was quoted- No one
Strongest quote- There aren't any quotes
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Statement

In-Depth-"Tarzan brings STC to new heights"
The article was about the play put on by Bowie called "Tarzan".  It talks about the amount of effort that had to be put in to make this play happen.  Also, it mentions the fact that a new light board is needed for productions and they may have enough money for a new one.
Who- The Tarzan cast
What- Behind the scenes and thoughts about the play
Where- The stage at Bowie
When- The eight nights they performed
Why- To have fun and gain experience for later acting careers
How- By learning roles and performing in front of an audience
Who was quoted- Eryn Northcutt, Emma Hashcke, Jackson Walker, Austin Hyde, Juliana Davis, Betsy Cornwell
Strongest quote- "I couldn't have wished for a better last musical, because it taught me to believe in myself and it'll always have a special place in my heart."
Leading sentence- Yes
Conclusion- Quote

Photography Section
1. My favorite picture is 'walking out' in "FFA takes T.C.Y.S. by a storm"
1a. I like this photo because it shows a lot of what was going on at the show without it being too busy or distracting from the focal point.
1b. Rule of Thirds
2. My least favorite photo is 'Getting involved' in "Eighth grade orientation showcases what the school has to offer students"
2a. I didn't like it too much because of how on the left side of the photo there is a girl, a poster, and a hanging shirt that has nothing to do with the main focus of the photo.
3. "FFA takes T.C.Y.S. by a storm" would have been the topic I would want to take photos for.  I think it would have been fun and interesting with all the things that were available to take pictures of.
4. The photography was good but there were some places it could have been better.  Some of the photos didn't grab or hold my attention well.  They could have changed viewpoints to make the photos more interesting.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Front Pages of the World

  1. My favorite newspaper was The Border Mail. I liked how it was laid out with one large picture in most of the space, then there was a story to the side that was much smaller but still stood out.    I also like how part of the picture stuck out into the white space.
  2. I liked the headline Plane Stupid.  It caught my attention and because I wanted to know what it meant I read the article.  Then I found it was a play on words. It caught my attention, made me want to read the article, and then made me laugh afterwards.
  3. There is one full story on the front of mine.
  4. All of the newspapers have a large title at the top in an easy to read font.  They all have at least one picture and a story (or at least a page number for the story) that goes with it. They also all have the date.
  5. The location of things on the cover varied a lot, also, the size of the text in the story seemed to have a pretty big range.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

All yearbooks should have...

  1. The name of the school on the cover
  2. The pictures should be in sections like sports or clubs
  3. Table of contents
  4. Captions for pictures
  5. Page numbers
  6. Headers, so you know what section your in
  7. Index
  8. Sports section
  9. Yearbook photos
  10. Not the same person over and over again
  11. Interviews with students
  12. Student life section
  13. The year the book is from
  14. School spirit
  15. Easy to read fonts and colors, so no bright yellow words on a bright orange background
  16. Side sections, just little parts off to the side in a main section
  17. Clubs and electives section
  18. Big events that happened in the school stories
  19. Quotes from teachers and students about some topics
  20. Location of the school
  21. Amount of students that year
  22. Staff list stating names of teachers, counselors, the principal, etc.
  23. Photos from all around campus, not just the same hallway with different people
  24. All grades must be mentioned
  25. A credits page, so everyone who worked on the book is mentioned.

1. The title is 'echo^5'
2. The school is m.b. lamar high school
3. Same font style and not much variation from page to page and the same layout
4. There are 4 sections
5. I liked the spread titled "intense"
7. There is an index in my book
8.  There are photos of groups and organizations
9. There are 3525 students
10. My book is from Texas

Monday, January 25, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

1. The name of the magazine is 'Cali' by Callie Richards
2. I liked that the magazine had different colors for the text, but there weren't so many colors that it was distracting and the colors went together.  I also liked that the photo was in black and white because it added a kind off dramatic feel.
3. I think if something could be fixed or changed on the magazine I would recommend making the title bigger.
4. I was drawn to it because of the contrast of the red text on the black and white photo.
5. There is a bar code and it is in the right place.
6. I probably would pick up the magazine because of the eye-catching cover.  Like I said before the red text on the black and white photo catches my eye.
7. No, I can't tell if it is a portrait or self-portrait.


1. I looked at 'College life' by Lynsey Gagner
2. I liked that the magazine had the text bigger when the story was more important.  I also liked that it was bright and happy and brought a friendly feel to the magazine.
3. If something was to be improved on the magazine, I would say that the text that is white should be separated a little more from the white shirt.
4. I picked this cover because of the bright colors and the professional look of the magazine.
5. Yes, the bar code is there and correctly placed and sized.
6. I would pick up this magazine and look through it because it seems to pop and would probably stand out among the rest.
7. No, I cannot tell if it is a portrait or self portrait.


1. I looked at Sarah Baber's magazine 'Pet Owners Weekly'
2. I liked that the title goes behind the photo a bit but not so much you can't see some of the letters.  I also liked that the text had a reoccurring theme in its color, it made it easy to navigate.
3. The title and teasers could be bigger if something had to be changed about the magazine.
4. My eyes were attracted to the contrast of the text and the photo.
5. There is a bar code and it is properly sized and in the right location.
6. I would probably pick this magazine up, it has a very attractive cover and it looks very neat and professional.
7. No, I can't tell if this is a portrait or a self portrait.


Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1. My favorite image is connected, I liked it because of the idea behind it.  When I think of connected, I literally think of two things being attached to one another.  However, in this photo connected is used for being her being connected to the internet.  I also liked that having to have a image be black and white wasn't just making an image black and white.  Turning the photo black and white seemed to add on to the image.  It made it so there was no fight between the objects in the photo for attention.

2. I'd have to say my least favorite image is pose.  It didn't hold my attention as much as the other 3 photos.  I think it would help to zoom in more on the person, or to have a less busy background, or both. 

3. I liked these photos because they each had their own unique style.  The photos all appeared like they had time taken to pose  the subjects and find a good location and angle for each of them.

4. I think attention to background is one area that could be worked on.  As mentioned before in 2, the background was a little busy.

5. The picture that portrayed their prompt best, in my opinion, was pose.  You could tell it wasn't unplanned.

6. The photo that least successfully portrayed their prompt, to me, was yummy.  The focus seemed more on a student studying than on a 'yummy' drink.  Perhaps there could have been more focus on the drink by removing the papers.